KINE 2049 Study Guide - Repeated Measures Design, Random Assignment, Design Of Experiments

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Having a one-group pre-test/post-test design has several problems: better to have a second level of the iv(a control group) This will give the experiment a condition to which you can compare the results. Will create meaningful cause and effect information. Advantages of experiments: extraneous variation will be controlled or eliminated, causal factors can be examined, instead of just possible correlations. More than one independent variable: more efficient than multiple experiments with one iv each. Save time, money, subjects and resources: simulate the real world better, allows researchers to examine how iv act in combination, complexity of the experiment increases. More than one dependent variable: efficient use of time and resources, more like real life, increased complexity leads to additional demands on the subjects. Experimental design: the blueprint; provides the detail and explanations of the various methodologies used, gives you a knowledge of the basics, 4 components. Subject selection and assignment: 3 basic experimental designs.