KINE 2049 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Convenience Sampling, Caffeine, International Hockey Federation

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This exam is worth 20% of the total course mark. Note: the answers to the multiple-choice questions are to be done on the separate answer sheet provided (scantron sheet). In an experiment the _________ variable is the manipulated variable; the _________ variable is the measured variable and the ___________ is the constant variable: dependent, independent, control, Independent, dependent, control: control, independent, dependent, dependent, control, independent. Instrumentation: local history, pre-testing, statistical regression, experimental mortality, expectancy, an experiment has two [2] independent variables [called iv1 and iv2]. Iv1 has 3 levels and iv2 has 2 levels. How many treatment conditions are there: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, suppose you want to investigate if caffeine is an effective ergogenic [helpful] aid for endurance exercise. You decide to test two [2] levels of caffeine and a placebo and measure running time to exhaustion.