KINE 2031 Study Guide - Final Guide: Abdominal Cavity, Peritoneum, Rectum

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Composed of the salivary glands, and the teeth. There are a total of 32 permanent teeth. 2 central incisors, 2 lateral incisors, 2 canine, 4 premolars, and 6 molars. Parotid fibrous capsule located anterior to the ear, emptying into the mouth. Submandibular located at the angle of the mandible with duct emptying in the tongue. Sublingual located on the floor of the mouth. Anchored to the mouth by mucous membrane, lingual frenulum. Smooth muscle tube starting from the larynx and travelling down into the stomach. Cardiac orifice/sphincter smooth muscle forms valve to prevent stomach regurgitation. Pyloric orifice/ sphincter smooth muscle regulates emptying of stomach to duodenum. The inner lining contain villi projections, with capillaries that absorb nutrients, and central. Lacteal from the lymphatic system which absorbs lipids. Duodenum is the first section of the small intestine (10 inches) which wraps around the. Pancreatic duct (pancreas into duodenum) & common bile duct (liver to duodenum)