KINE 2031 Study Guide - Final Guide: Connecting Tubule, Transitional Epithelium, Collecting Duct System

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Parts from above develop from midgut, parts below develop from hindgut. Right one tends to be lower in abdominal cavity due to lot of liver on right side pushing it down a bit. Kidneys protected a bit by last couple of ribs. Kidney is embedded in dense bundle of fat (perirenal fat). Need tube out to take urine produced to bladder. Need renal artery for blood due to crucial organ for filtering blood. Need renal vein travelling through hilum and need neural supply as well. Can see extension of tube going to bladder in picture. Middle is cavity with space called renal sinus. In other direction the renal pelvis gets smaller to for major calyces, then those branch to form minor calyces. Minor calyx surround the point of darker portion called medullary pyramid. Has base at top and apex or papillae here. Minor calyx surrounds the apex to that pyramid. Think of top of funnel that completely surrounds.