KINE 2031 Study Guide - Final Guide: Vocal Folds, Pulmonary Vein, Bronchiole

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Composed of two principle pathway structures for inhaling air: Nasal septum- divides nose into two nostrils (anterior-cartilage) (posterior-ethmoid & vomer) Conchae/meati- lateral wall of nostril is composed of ethmoid. Chonchae are medial projections of ethmoid bone (sup/mid) and indi (3x2=6) Meati are the spaces between the conchae (superior/middle/inferior) Olfactory sense is detected through receptors positioned at the top of the nose, which synapses with olfactory bulbs inside the cranium and above the nose (1st cranial) C shaped muscular tube with an anterior opening that stretches from the back of the nose, through the mouth, down the larynx, and divides into the trachea and esophagus. There are three sections of pharynx: nasal, oral, and laryngeal. Auditory tube connects to the middle ear; yawning or swallowing equalizes ear drum air pressure. Adenoids top back of nasal pharynx; lymphatic tissues protect against infection. Paranasal sinus face and skull mucous lined cavities; communicate with the nose; emsf.