KINE 2031 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Median Nerve, Pronator Teres Muscle, Olecranon

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Shoulder girdle (t, l, r, s, p) antagonistic pairs: trapezius-pectoralis minor, rhomboids-serratus anterior. Upward rotation of the point of the shoulder. Upper 4 cervical vertebra last cervical vertebra first 5 thoracic vertebrae. Adduction of the scapula and downward rotation of the point of the shoulder. Medial border of scapula drawn downward towards spinal column. Abduction of the scapula and upward rotation of the point of the shoulder. *used in propulsive phase of throwing baseball/punch (boxer"s muscle) Abduction of the scapula and downward rotation of the point of the shoulder. Upward rotation of the shoulder: trapezius, serratus anterior. Shoulder joint (s, a, c, p, l) * + extension flexion. Posterior of the sacrum, lumbar vertebrae, lower thoracic vertebrae. Medial part of the clavicle + costal cartilage of ribs 1-6. Flexion of the arm at the shoulder; extension of a flexed arm. Horizontal flexion (drawing humerus across body (cid:862)rotator cuff(cid:863) muscles (cid:894)dy(cid:374)a(cid:373)ic liga(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts of houlder joi(cid:374)t(cid:895) scapula.