KINE 2011 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Secretion, Lipid Bilayer, Cell Adhesion Molecule

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The plasma membrane surrounds every cell and separates cell contents from its surroundings i. e. separates the intracellular fluid from the extracellular fluid. It also controls the movements of molecules into and out of the cell. The nucleus is the largest single organized cell component it is enclosed by a double- layered nuclear envelope (membrane). It contains the cell"s genetic material i. e. dna, also transcription and dna replication occurs here. The cytoplasm is everything within the cell interior not occupied by the nucleus. It consists of multiple organelles and the cytosol. Cytosol: complex, gel-like mass in which the cytoskeleton is found lots of dissolved stuff i. e. ions, proteins, amino acids, and nucleotides are also found here. The cytosol occupies ~55% of total cell volume is the semiliquid portion of cytoplasm that surrounds the organelles. Activities that occur in cytosol: enzymatic regulation of intermediary metabolism; ribosomal protein synthesis; storage of fat and glycogen, carbohydrates and secretory vesicles.