KINE 2011 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Macroevolution, Microevolution, Genetic Drift

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Lo f1: speciation: when one species splits/ diverges into two or more. Species is hard to define- no universal definition. We need to use species concepts- none of them are universally applicable. Some of them will work in certain situations. There are even some situations when none of them are adequate: phylogenetic species concept: a species is a group of organisms that is bound by common ancestry. Definition of species is based on the evolutionary history of the population. This is the best way to track species, but full phylogenies are only available for few species: ecological species concept: we identify species based on their role in their environment. By looking at their roles, we can determine whether different groups are the same or different species. Species: a group of organisms that share a distinct ecological niche. Emphasizes that natural selection favors characteristics that aid an organism in dealing with their environment and its challenges.