KINE 1020 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Endosperm, Gastric Bypass Surgery, Wood Preservation

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Kin is a new term but has been studied for a long time: hippocrates realized the importance of exercise in 460-370 bc. Aristotle is known to be the father of kinesiology: he came with the idea of causal effect, are we healthy because they walk or do people walk cause they are healthy. Edward stanley believes that those who neglect physical activity will have the tendency to become ill sometime in the future. It is difficult to determine whether the lifestyle choices are in relation to your health. Just because you are healthy in one stream of your life it is not enough to say that they are healthy in all aspects of health in their life: eg. Your ability to live an optimal life and to preform movements depend on cardiovascular-respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. Health related factor dependent on the outcome of the action.