[KINE 1020] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 45 pages long Study Guide!

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Precede-proceed model is a framework that helps analysis of current health care situations and designs new programs. Precede phase: social diagnosis, epidemiological, behavioural & environmental diagnosis, educational + ecological, administrative + policy. Most deaths due to infectious diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, influenza) Improved sanitation and medical advances (antibiotics, vaccines, etc. ) More likely to die from chronic illnesses. Increasing role of lifestyle factors + health behaviors in the onset and course of chronic illnesses. In the 1900s, female l. e = 51 years males = 48 years. In 91, the gap between the sexes was 6 years females=81 years and males 75 years. 2007-2009 girls born in this era can expect to live 4 years longer than boys females =83 years and males 79 years. Cardiovascular was the biggest killer of canadians (as of "94) Several factors determine self care and the quality of the environment.