KINE 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Medicalization, Barbara Ehrenreich, Consumerism

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Concepts: social body: how is the body socially constructed, healthy body: constructed differently depends on society & culture. Power (patricia hills collins" reading: power relation: who has power, satirical humour: progressive or regressive? (russell peters) New thinking is not accompanied with new ways of acting. Power as ideological ideas that makes people believe that their. Interests are the same as those of power (hegemony). The type of leadership that those without power would not question those with power or at least would not overthrow them from power. E. g: black power salute, heads down => exercise their power in olympics during. Usa national anthem and paid the price (= actions of power: kick out of the. Olympics, discrimination against them and their children: additive analysis of oppression: Dichotomous thinking: thinking black and white, right or wrong. Ranking of dichotomous (1 group is better than other) Often claim narratives of equality of opportunities.