ITEC 2600 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ellipse

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The remaining loan balance, b, of a xed payment n years mortgage after x years is given by: 12 )12x] where l is the loan amount, and r is the annual interest rate. 100,000 mortgage, with annual interest rate of 6% (use 0. 06 in the equation) after 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years. Create a seven-element vector for x and use element-by-element operations. Display the results in a two-row table where the values of years and balance are displayed in the rst and second rows, respectively. Use the variable number of input/output to make this user-de ned function more general. For example, a customer want to know di erence of borrowing. The ratio of two areas can be represented as ratio = 4 (c) generate a random point(x, y), where 1 <= x; y <= 1, we can estimate the ratio by checking the random points falls in the which area as follows: ratio =