HUMA 1970 Midterm: exam notes 1

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Brief summary: eg: questions for discussion: further research agency: when children be able to describe themselves, and share their own ideas to the society. children can be able to resist social contract that is being placed to them. it helps children to establish politics to be developed. Children can act independently of all the social structures and institutions. agency do sth helps children children take in power from the agency (unicef) ex. a life of mine. vincent has 3 slibings without parents, live by themselves independently don"t have social agency, a girl from norway has faucet, education childhood studies: a studies of early development of human life that is known legally, socially, scientific studies that is different from adulthood. different stages of childhood studies, early child development and early education, interested in youth and adolescent and teenager before adulthood. ex. wild child path of history, we find how the chid grow up, and learn it.