HUMA 1625 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Charlton Heston, Columbine High School Massacre, Kmart

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In this section i will be exploring 2 themes. I will be analysing these themes through the film bowling for columbine . In addition to that i will be using the critical skills to whom is this being told? and how/does this move me to change my thinking/acting/world? to develop my analysis. To begin, the film bowling for columbine , is a documentary produced by michael. The main focus of this documentary is the columbine high school massacre in 1999. Through this moore raises the issue of gun control in the united states. Throughout his documentary he showcases how adults as well as children are easily able to get access to guns. For example, the 6 year old boy who shot a 6 year old girl in his class. Moore displays people"s reactions to massacres such as the columbine. For instance, the reporter who didn"t showed any sympathy towards the 6 year old girl that was shot.