HUMA 1160 Quiz: First Lecture Note After the 3rd Test.doc

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God that"s being discussed is the designer of the world. Cleanthes says its false that god has infinite power. 152 to 156 discussion of evil, evil in the world. Pg 156 last paragraph philo, sets out his reasons why the world does not establish a benevolent designer. Design of the world does not support a benevolent designer. Page 157, second last paragraph on the page cleanthes says, and have you last at last, betrayed your intentions philo and i must confess he says, that you have now fallen uponif you can make out. The preseent point that man kind is unhappy and corrupted, end of all. Religion, moral attributes of god is doubtful and uncertain . 158 argument here is, what we think is evil, isn"t really evil. Because if you could see the world from the perspective of all eterinity that all bad things are rectified.