HUMA 1125- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 20 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

It was a lecture where we read a lot of text out loud and looked at dante"s cosmos: the bottom of hell, the problem of translation. We visit nimrod who has no intelligible language: Last week we talked about the problem of translation. Nimrod is interesting, as the man who built the tower of babel. He looks like one tower among many, and in tutorial we can go via images to. Monteriggione and see how it still looks like a circle of tall towers atop a hill. The discussion is especially interesting because of erik"s very rich master"s research. And he is translating latin epic mode, virgil"s mode, into tuscan, a language with no great literary history, at least yet. And also, perhaps, he is also translating his spiritual life into poetry. Nimrod"s tower of babel is the biblical cause of translation. Down to then, everybody spoke the language of adam and eve, or so went the idea.