HIST 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: American Sign Language, Language Processing In The Brain, Sensory Memory

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16 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Package created by: yifeng lu, dallas weaver, marietta cini, jessie zhang, anum aziz. This document was created by the york university chapter of students offering support (york. Professor jubis"s sections of 2012/2013 introduction to psychology psyc1010 course who are looking for an additional resource to assist their studies in preparation for the exam. Please do not share this with other students and instead tell them about the session or to contact york sos to make a donation to get a copy of it. (info@yorksos. com) An example of a mnemonic would be acronyms. Doing these practice questions can assess your understanding of what you have learned and can help you identify areas of weakness. Practice multiple choice questions are found in textbooks, on textbook companion websites, and/or provided by your professor. Read a multiple choice question and try to answer it before looking at the possible answers.