GWST 3560 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nag Hammadi Library, Disinformation, Buddy Buddy

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Genesis i- god made man and women in his image. Genesis ii- eve created from adam"s rib, he was lonely, adam created in god"s image. Lilith- midrash to explain the original woman and man god created, she left the garden, didn"t come back, goddess figure, plays into men"s fears. Genesis- lots of goddess elements: the tree, the snake- symbol of. No original sin/fall in hebrew bible, hebrew bible incorporates elements of pagan goddess worship. Hebrew bible took beliefs at the time (gods/goddess) and tried putting an ethical monotheist tint on it. Eve couldn"t have seduced adam, no such thing as sex/sexuality prior to eating from the tree. Eve questions the serpent, god did not tell her to eat, he told adam. Eve"s punishment- childbirth, adam- work for food, expulsion from paradise. They both do not immediately die, but no long immortal. Eve brought knowledge of sexuality- they realized they naked and felt ashamed.