[GER 1791] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 26 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Who said it? (cid:862)if you (cid:449)a(cid:374)t your (cid:272)hildre(cid:374) to (cid:271)e i(cid:374)tellige(cid:374)t, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales. When i examine myself and my methods of thought, i come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for a(cid:271)stra(cid:272)t, positi(cid:448)e thi(cid:374)ki(cid:374)g. (cid:863) albert einstein 1955. Fairy tales were not always meant for children. Oral and literary fairy tales are grounded in history; Metaphors and symbols are important elements of fairy tales; Anticipated result: social and political conditions can be changed. Fairy tales provided hope for a better life, change in times of crisis, wars, catastrophic events. It is difficult to define what exactly fairy tales are. Fairy tales were tied to beliefs and cultures of various elements. Examples: greek the iliad and the odyssey; Early fairy tales formed the basis for the development of literary fairy tales.