GEOG 2030 Study Guide - Final Guide: Global Commons, Carbon Sink, Anthropocene

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A: ipcc stands for international panel on climate change consisting of scientists (united nations) from around d the world who review the latest science in order to deliver information about climate change to decision makers. There are 3 working groups first group(physical science) the scientific aspects of the climates system and change, second group: impacts on climate change, adaptation, and vulnerability, Ghg emissions, canada pulled out because canada didn"t think it would make a difference and would save money and supported the tar sands. A: two degrees is the internationally agreed arget for limiting global warming if we go above so major risks begin. A: the earths sysyem is composed of the atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, land surface, and biosphere which all components of the earths sysmte feed in to changes into the atmosphere how the atmosphere interacts with one another. Ie biosphere, portion of the earth comprised of ecosystem and living organisms (includes us.