EN 2250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hermia, Status Quo, Egeus

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9 Jan 2020

Document Summary

En 2250: intro to british literature final exam study guide. One of the two major genres of drama, along with tragedy. Comedy goes from chaos to order: in a a midsummer night"s dream we go from. Hermia not being able to marry lysander, to everything working out with the four protagonists. Hero and heroine move from chaos into social stability. Comedy is sometimes on the brink of tragedy. If the lovers didn"t magically end up falling in love with the right people in the end, there might have still been disputes and hermia might have been persecuted for not obeying her father"s wishes. One of the two major genres of drama, along with comedy. Considered the more important and elevated genre; the serious genre. Movement of tragedy: takes the hero and heroine from social stability into chaos. Status quo, wealth, general sense of belonging; being part of something greater than yourself, family structure, education, marriage.