EECS 1520 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Blaise Pascal, Ada Lovelace, Printed Circuit Board

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EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Hardware: the physical elements (printer, circuit board, wires, keyboard) Layers of computing system: each layer plays a specific role in the overall design of the system. Information within hardware within programming within operating systems within applications within communication: information: reflect way we represent information on a computer; managed using binary digits (1, 0. Abstraction: mental model, a way to think about something, removing or hiding complex details; leaves only information necessary to accomplish our goal. Miller"s law: human can actively manage about 7(-/+,2) pieces of information in short-term memory at once. Parallel computing: computers rely on interconnected central processing and/or memory units that increase processing speed. Networking: ethernet connected small computers to share resources. File server: co(cid:374)(cid:374)e(cid:272)t pc"s o(cid:448)e(cid:396) a pc (cid:449)ith ge(cid:374)e(cid:396)ous (cid:373)ass a(cid:374)d sto(cid:396)age; pc"s (cid:374)et(cid:449)o(cid:396)ked togethe(cid:396) (cid:271)e(cid:272)a(cid:373)e known as (local-area-networks) Internet: using packet switching, way for messages to share lines using different networks across the world.