CRIM 2650 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Theory, Penology, Predictive Policing

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It generates wealth, which in return generates inequalities in society. Poor people commit crimes, and wealthy corporations get away with it. The criminal justice system directly or indirectly serves the interest of the capitalist class. White collared crimes are not of interest in comparison to robberies, petty thefts etc. Capitalism has evolved - this means that capitalism is more humane and respects the labour rights. He also wonders why people have not revolted to the ides of capitalism serving the interest of the powerful only affect those of the lower class, marginalizing them even more and having no affect on the upper class. Capitalism generated institutionalized inequity, exploitation and alienation. Choices of offenders are shaped by class positions. We should challenge state repression and overpricing of the working class. We should put more effort into exposing the extent and nature of social harm by the powerful. Ex) put pressure on media organizations to expose crimes by the powerful as well.