CLTR 2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Game Studies, Judith Butler, Socialist Feminism

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He believes that a nation is a community socially constructed, imagined by the people who perceive themselves as part of that group. Diaspora: a group of people who live outside the area in which they had lived for a long time or in which their ancestors lived. Looks into the importance of language for the psychic understanding of self. The theory draws on the foundational work in psychoanalysis about the way that humans come to understand their social roles. In doing so, it goes on to expound how women, who may be positioned as "other" in a masculine symbolic order, can reaffirm their understanding of the world through engaging with their own outsiderness. Active audience: argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved, often unconsciously, in making sense of the message within their personal and social contexts.