BIOL 1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sahelanthropus, Prehensile Tail, Homo Habilis

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18 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 7: human evolution: define the terms primate, anthropoid, hominoid and hominin, with reference to their derived characters. Humans belong to the class mammalia, the phylum chordata due to the dorsal hollow nerve cord, and the subphylum vertebrata because we are vertebrates. Characteristics of mammals: mammary glands - mothers produce milk for their young, hair - heat retention; camouflage; protection, differentiated teeth - incisors, canines, premolars, molars. There are currently 15 living orders of mammals. The mammalian order primates includes lemurs, monkeys and apes, human being a member of the ape group. Characteristics of primates: primarily tree-dwelling (arboreal, most primates have hands and feet adapted for grasping. Skin ridges on fingers: forward-looking eyes close together on the face, providing depth perception, a fully opposable thumb, a large brain with a well-developed cerebral cortex and short jaws. 3 living main groups of living primates: lemurs (resemble ancestral primates), tarsiers & anthropoids (monkeys and apes: tarsiers are closer to anthropoids.