BIOL 1000 Study Guide - Simple Eye In Invertebrates, Melanin, Photosynthesis

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8 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Pigment: molecule that can absorb photons of light. Absorption spectrum: curve representing amount of light absorbed at each wavelength. Dna: (deoxyribonucleic acid): large, double stranded helical molecule containing genetic material in all organisms. Allele: one or two more versions of a gene. Enzyme: protein that accelerates the rate of cellular reaction. Bioluminescence: organisms that produce light (particularly when disturbed) Gene: unit containing code for protein molecule or one of its parts, or for functioning rna molecules. Melanin: a pigment that absorbs uv radiation (used by animals with naked skin) Vitamin d: critical for normal bone development, is in some foods. Camouflage: works when one animal fails to distinguish another from the background. Circadian rhythms: psychological and behavioural responses geared to earth"s day and night cycle (circa=around, diem=day) sleep-wake cycles, body temp, cell division. Light pollution: rapid proliferation of artificial light, illuminates streets, buildings (lightbulbs) Uses energy in sunlight to build sugar molecules from carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen.