BIOL 1000- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 1: light and life w/ learning outcomes: Light has two main functions for life on earth: energy and information. Eyespot: light sensor allows individual cells to gather information about the surrounding environment e. g. location, light intensity. Light: defined as the portion of electromagnetic spectrum that human eye can detect. Range of light: a narrow portion of electromagnetic spectrum ranges from only 400nm to 700 nm. Electromagnetic spectrum: the wave of frequencies or wavelength of electromagnetic radiation that ranges from the very short wavelengths of gamma rays to the longest wavelengths of radio waves. Electromagnetic radiations: the radiant energy released by certain electromagnetic process. Photosynthesis uses only narrow band of the electromagnetic spectrum. Most radiations leaving the surface of earth: infrared rays. Most radiations reaching the earth surface: ultraviolet radiation to near infrared rays. Relationship b/w wavelength of light and energy: inverse. Longer the wave lower the energy of photons. Shorter the wave higher the energy of photons.