ANTH 3220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stock Market Crash, Sweatshop, Meritocracy

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16 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Week one - exchange, reciprocity, and moral obligations. Moral economic relations - societies/cultures have general rules on how people interact with one another. Reciprocity - mutual dependence/action - tied to exchange, whether gift giving or buying. All human relations can be understood as reciprocity. Balanced reciprocity - direct trading/exchanging of items/gift giving/selling/buying/bartering. Negative reciprocity - attempt to get something for nothing - theft. Three forms of moral economic relations - baseline communism; exchange (reciprocity) through gift, commodity, debt relations; hierarchy. From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs . Communal relations, sharing, collaborating, doing things without expecting a return. Activated when the need is considered great enough, or the cost considered reasonable enough . Gift-giving is different - expecting something in return - continuing relationship established. Baseline communism = ef ciency - eg. corporations wanting to be ef cient, giving staff access to knowledge and resources in order to do work to make company pro table.