ANTH 2100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: La Convivencia, Cultural Identity, Atomism

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Andalusia was historically a very interreligious and interethnic community. This in turn created conflicto which is between the african and muslim communities within andalusia. Cultural identity within different groups in the nation are divided and may also be unclear: what was the reason for the passing of the 1985 alien law" (ley organica de extranjer a) in. Spain, and what were its consequences for migrants: the reason the alien law was passed was to close up the southern european border so that spain would be able to become part of the european economic community. Peasants were poor, living on the land, had conception of basic human rights, professed ideal of egalitarianism although this was never actually experienced. To escape they migrated to work in northern spain, germany or france in each place they felt like outsiders. Discuss with examples: school powerknowledge: teacher has power because of knowledge, has the ability to discipline students.