RE103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cupid, Socratic Method, Shiva Purana

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Document Summary

First book in the hebrew bible (old testament) Composite work consisting of two stories: 1st- 7-6 bce, by jawists while the hebrews were being exiled, 2nd- 6-5 bce, by priestly. God referred to as yhwh in genesis 1 (more personal relationship with this. God referred to as elohim in genesis 2 (more majestic god) Man is made from dirt, woman is created from man. After the story of adam and eve: some worked towards being good to obtain god"s love while other believe god loves us no matter what. Written by a pagan (those who were not fond of existing religions and decided to start their own) World begins with goddess who feels love, creates the world out of it, creates god whom she procreates and dances with. Written in classical greek era (5th-4th century bce) War between greek city states and persia (very influential)