PS267- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Most science at this time was done in europe. Most leaps forward in this time were centred in europe. First to look at relationship between brain damage and abnormal behavior. Would examine brains after death of people who acted abnormally. Not first anatomist but they tended to do more body stuff not so much to do with brain and behavior. Also famous for coining a lot of terms still used today. Image of human brain drawn by christopher wren for thomas willis. Up until this image, images of the brain were very primitive. Mris today are very representative and close to this image. Christopher wren royal architect who rebuilt london after great fire. For about 200 years this was the best image of the brain. List of terms coined by willis in textbook (table 1. 1). Famous for developing field called phrenology = study of bumps on their skull.