PS261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Classical Conditioning, Belongingness, Morphine

109 views6 pages
17 Oct 2017

Document Summary

If a stimulus is highly familiar it won"t be as effective as cs that is novel (similar to habituation) More vigorous conditioned responding occurs w more intense conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. Stimulus salience: significance/noticeability, make a stimulus more salient by making it more intense, relevant to biological needs, or more similar to the kinds of stimuli an animal is likely to encounter in natural environment. Learning depends on the relevance of the cs to the us. Taste is readily associated with illness, audiovisual cues become readily associated with peripheral pain. Irrational fears are often learned through higher order conditioning, occurs in two phases: a cue (cs1) is paired with an us often enough to condition a strong response to cs1, pairing of the cs2 with the cs1. If, after becoming conditioned, cs2 were used to condition yet another stimulus (cs3) that would be third order conditioning.