PS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Experimental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology

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12 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Concentrate in sensation perception, reaction times, imagery, and attention, avoided learning, personality, and abnormal behavior. Wundt wanted to break down the structure of consciousness to understand how it is built. Publish a book principles of psychology. (1890: james argued that the structuralists" approach missed the real nature of conscious experience. Consciousness, he argues, consists of a continuous flow of thoughts. So behaviourists attempted to boil human behaviour down to simple processes as well (in contrast to the complexity of the consciousness as studied by wundt and. James): behaviourists were interested in observable behaviour that could be measured scientifically and how it related to observable outcomes. The stimulus-response relationship was coined to depict the notion that if you provide a stimulus, behaviour will result: a stimulus is any detectable input from the environment, use lab animals, b. f. skinner: radical behaviourism. He did not think that internal, mental events should be given special status when explaining behaviour.