PS101 Final: PS101 Final Exam .docx

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Central nervous system part of the nervous system that lies within the skull and the spinal chord. Somatic nervous system includes sensory receptors and controls skeletal muscles, controls voluntary movements. Autonomic nervous system controls glands and other muscles. It divides into sympathetic nervous system (to mobilize in times of need) and parasympathetic nervous system (conservation of energy, or relaxing of the body) these movements or body functions are involuntary. Endocrine system is the body"s slow chemical communication system. Communication is carried out by hormones synthesized by a set of glands. Hormones are chemical messengers in the blood stream. Secreted by the endocrine glands in a pulsatile way (several times a day in short bursts) When enough of a hormone has been secreted a signal is sent to the hypothalamus to stop the secretion of that hormone- a negative feedback system. Key functions and differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic. Pituitary gland: stimulates action from other glands, also known as the.