PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Naturalistic Observation, Antipsychotic, Gestalt Psychology

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4 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Chapters: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, appendix. What is psychology: it is empirical, theoretically diverse, evolve in a socio-historical context (changed over time) All the different parts , and how things interact with each other: problems; everyone has its own point of view, personal opinion. Functionalism: william james, function or purpose of consciousness, rather than its structure (how/why) Psychoanalytic theory: freud: unconscious or sexual of memories and behavior, unconscious states and dreams , problems: not testable. Cognitive/biological: processing and the chemical, biological, bases of behavior: deep into the brain how they work and how they produce in real life memory, decision making, language, problems: use of animal research (ethics) Evolutionary psychology: examines behavioral processes in terms of their adaptive value for members of a species over the course of many generations : many evolutionary hypotheses are untestable. Behaviorism: observed behavior : stimulus-response behavior, problem: peoples perception are also important. Independent variable: condition or event manipulated by experimenter.