PS101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 73 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Found by sigmund freud in the early 1900"s after structuralism and functionalism. Freud was a big personality and factor in the field of psychology. Behaviourism: dominant school of thought in the early 1900"s, reacting to titchener"s introspection, which was very not scientific, therefore claiming we cannot. Founded by john b. watson study the mind, we can only study behaviour. Humanistic psychology argued that psychoanalysis were wrong about human sexual urges and also behaviourists were de-humanizing by studying very simple animals. Focused on how someone can benefit from the right environment - emphasized freedom and personal growth. Cognitive psychology: the current dominant school of thought, cognition mental processes involve in acquiring knowledge, the cognitive revolution occurred in 1950"s a shift away from behaviourism, thoughts and feelings that you are conscious and aware of. He found the more brain tissue you remove the worse off the rat was.