PS101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 90 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

*look at extra credit assignments/practice questions wiley plus and in-class* *sign up and complete prep before reading week (oct 9-13)* *look at term one and two test have as content* *email ahead of time, not the night before* Behavior and mental processes (i. e. thought and emotion) Studying the influence of: brain neural activity, person emotion, ideas, thoughts, group family, friends and culture. Starts with people wondering about human nature and behavior. Questions posed by philosophy and methods borrowed form science. Are we born kind or evil? (nature vs. nurture it"s (cid:271)oth(cid:895) Psychology = philosophy (what does it mean to be human?) Conducted experiments (reaction time, attention span and perception of visual stimuli, touch and hearing) His goal was to understand how the simplest elements of structure of conscious experience combine to create more complex perceptions and behaviors. Two schools of thought: structuralism 101 tit(cid:272)he(cid:374)er (cid:894)wu(cid:374)dt"s stude(cid:374)t(cid:895) (cid:271)elief that all (cid:862)e(cid:454)perie(cid:374)(cid:272)e(cid:863) (cid:272)ould (cid:271)e redu(cid:272)ed to (cid:271)asi(cid:272) ele(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts.