PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Realistic Conflict Theory, Social Identity Theory, Fundamental Attribution Error

61 views5 pages
11 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Social psychology seeks to understand, explain and predict how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour influence and are influenced by others. Affective component how we feel toward an object. Behavioural component how we behave toward an object. Cognitive component what we believe about an object. Cognitive dissonance emotional discomfort as a result of holding contradictory beliefs or holding a belief that contradicts behaviour. Self perception theory we are unsure about our attitudes so we look to our behaviours to confirm for us, or vice versa. Attitude is the thought and behaviour is the action related to that thought. Attitudes people express are not necessarily related to how they actually behave. Attitude specificity the more specific an attitude, the more likely it is to predict a behaviour. Attitude strength how strongly one may feel about an attitude. Social desirability factor people state attitudes that are social desirable rather than accurate. To debunk this, a lie detector is used.