PS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Narcolepsy, Thematic Apperception Test, Reality Principle

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8 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Consciousness: personal awareness of ongoing mental processes, behaviours, and environmental events. Stream of consciousness: counting flow of changing thoughts: william james founder of functionalism. Consciousness awareness involves: awareness must attend and be aware of it before being fully conscious. Inattention blindness: not paying full attention to a stimuli (video, picture, etc. ) and unable to report on the details of a stimuli (failure to notice surroundings: blindsight: being unaware of what has reached our attention, monitoring, remembering, planning. Low: unconscious mind and body, sleep. Unconsciousness: state in which information isn"t easily accessible to conscious awareness. Nonconscious: not ideas that are pushed down: things we are not exactly aware of (ex. cognitive processes such as remembering what you ate last weekend) Physiological: objective but can"t indicate what person is experiencing subjectively, ex. Behavioural: performance on tasks (ex. rouge test, need to infer state of mind. House thoughts and memories too painful or disturbing for consciousness: repress.