PS101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Slow-Wave Sleep, Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Sleep Deprivation

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11 Apr 2013

Document Summary

1879 --> first formal lab of psych in university of leipzig. Psych should be a science like physics and chemistry. Methods should be as scientific as chemistry & physics: stanley hall --> student of wundt. Examine elements such as feelings, emotions, and images. Train subject to be more objective & aware. Limitations cannot look objectively at an individual"s reflection on an experience. Study the function of our conscious not structure. Natural selection --> traits are favorable that lead to survival of the species. Consciousness is typical of humans & therefore important. Mental processes were not scientific --> too private. Nature versus nurture --> a person is made, not born. Stimulus-response psychology --> how we adapt behavior to environment. Trained dogs to salivate in response to a noise. Didn"t need to study humans anymore --> not studying the conscious. Explains personality, motivation, mental disorder by focusing on unconscious as driving force. Unconscious --> contains thoughts/memories below conscious that influences our behavior.