PS101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Truancy, Mental Process, Falsifiability

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Tuesday, december 13, 2016: healers/clinicians/clinical practitioners/therapists - systematically gather info so that they can better describe, explain, and predict psychological disorders; the knowledge acquired is then used by clinicians whose role is to detect, asses, and treat people. Psychotropic drugs; ect; psychosurgery: often effective for people whose problems don"t respond to other treatments, side effects, not always effective, may neglect non- biological problems of clients. Learn motor functional behaviours: research often supports effectiveness of treatments. Desensitization; aversion therapy; operant conditioning, including token economies; therapist modelling, including social- skills training: effects of treatment may not always last long after treatment stops, may neglect unobservable cognitive processes. Gestalt therapy techniques; existential therapy: deinstitutionalization - ** positive human goals, recognize, recognize distinctly human values and needs, unsupportive and limited research to test effectiveness. 4: antipsychotic drugs - medications that help remove the symptoms of schizophrenia.