PP247 Study Guide - Final Guide: Normative Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Business Ethics

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Culture relativism beliefs that whatever a culture thinks is right or wrong really is right or wrong for that culture. Golden rule a basic principle stating do unto others as you would have them do to you". Psychological: view that everyone is always motivated to act in their perceived self interest. Ethical: states that the only valid standard of conduct is the obligation to promote one"s well- being above everyone else. Dilemma woman has cancer and the only drug that could save her was being sold for even though it cost . Husband tried to save up and he broke in and stole it. Objective moral law the notions that are universal accepted by all cultures. Ppl find it desirable to inflict wrongdoings on others. 3 general approaches to study of morality and ethical theory: (1) descriptive (2) conceptual (3) prescriptive (normative) Principles of moral conduct concerned w practices of defining right and wrong.