PP201 Study Guide - Straw Man, Testability, Operational Definition

146 views9 pages
31 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Can be either acquired in a rational manner or appraised rationally- makes it a rational belief. Our actions are guided by beliefs, what we choose to do is limited by and empowered by beliefs. Statements: to state is to claim or assert that something is true. It is a semantic message that can be false or true therefore must be truth-evaluable. Explanations: additional information after belief in the statement is already established, offer reasons or causes of the statement. These tell us why things are the way they are. Tells us why we should belief something to be credible. Evidence includes facts, evidence is only as good as the underlying theory of it. (reasons) set of statements (premises) that support or establish the truth of another statement (conclusion). Premises: statements given in support of another statement intended to support the conclusion. Inference: reasoning from a premise to a conclusion based on those premises.