PO220 Final: Final exam - term sheet.docx

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11 Sep 2014

Document Summary

Section 1: political violence, groups, governments, militaries, militias, groups in society, ethnicity and conflict, factors that contribute to identity-based conflict, colonialism, state instrumentalism of ethnicity, clientelism, oil, two major ongoing conflicts in nigeria, southeast (delta region) Inequality/discrimination - family: domestic violence, dowry murders, missing girls. Causes of disparity (3: other family level discrimination (4) Inequality/discrimination politics: gender and politics in iran, expectations/outcomes of revolution, most significant change after revolution, family protection act (1967, new legislation implemented by islamic government (1979, reformist measures, family protection law (2010, temporary marriage. Labour/education in iran: concerns about job security (women) Section 3: rural livelihoods, food security, definition, 3 pillars, availability, malthusianism, 1970s world food crisis, climate change/inedible exports, access, amartya sen, sen"s entitlement approach . 4 sources of food entitlement: utilization, food security targets. 3 ways food insecurity is manifested: acute crisis/famine. Politics of famine (4 ways: famines affect politically/economically marginalized, famines related to lack of democracy, 2 features of democracies protect against famine: