PO220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Iranian Revolution, Reza Shah, Islamic Fundamentalism

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Modernization theorists argued that growth and progress was western . This cannot explain the resurgence of religious and cultural values. This was particularly apparent in the middle east in the 1960s and 70s. Must be understood in relation to specific problems of middle east. External threats are seen as a main reason; the idea of culture under siege. Some western practices and technologies have been embraced. Selective use of these practices frequently occurs but with huge emphasis on natural identity. Others argue that western ideas are incompatible with islam. One of the main responses since 70s has been the islamic revival/resurgence: Movements whose aim is to strengthen islamic influence in political, social and cultural life. Conservative revivalist: wants greater influence of islam in daily life without any major changes. Islamic fundamentalists: return to a lost way of life guided by islam, rejects practices that don"t align with uncorrupted islam, relies on quran.