PO220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Scapegoating, Nations Of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Twice Born

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Vertical being groups; gender, race etc: ethnicity/ethnic group: a group that feels it has common traditions, beliefs, values, and history, which unite it and distinguish it from other cultures. Other ; have an unjustified amount of wealth, or power (who they are not) Positive force in civil society; ethnic belonging. But people generally assume negativity, particularly in places with high degree of poverty, usually gives way to political struggles. Not pre-modern throwbacks; will not disappear with modernity. Types of ethno-cultural divisions: nationality, nation: population with its own language, cultural traditions, and historical aspirations, may or may not claim geographical sovereignty, tribe, often controversial term, given racial or negative connotation. Especially when it results in unequal distribution of power/resources: sometimes a visible distinction, question of national belonging. In rwanda, for example - tutsis were fairer, therefore must have come from further. Hutus eventually viewed them as foreigners to rwanda: racial identity may be more cultural than biological .