PO220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Economic Inequality, Second Vatican Council, Liberation Theology

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Largest catholic country: brazil under portuguese rule role of the roman catholic church. There was no separation between the church and the state (16th century) State did have control over the church in some respects. Therefore, portuguese mission was to convert the aboriginal people (europeanizing them) Initial key concerns of portugal was salvation of souls and create loyal subjects to the portuguese crown. Native indians were moved into missions or villages- there was mass conversion via church and schools: security measure kept the indian population under control. Institutions, hierarchy of church: implemented into brazilian rule from portugal, education came through mission schools. Tensions between the jesuit missions and the authority of the crown from. Church became a significant land-owner in brazil. Church was a conservative force for stability and monitoring measure. Highest ranks of the church were the brazilian or portuguese elite/nobility: independent brazil. 1891 republican constitution separation between church and state.