PO220 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Consociationalism, Olusegun Obasanjo, Civil Society

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There was a very long period of military rule in nigeria; real return of democracy did not occur until 1999. The fact that nigeria was able to hold fair elections in 1999, 2003, and 2007 without military involvement expresses the winds of change that was present in. Challenges for consolidation: racial/ethnic divides, dependence on a single resource (oil, convergence between state and economy working for the state is the way to get wealth, influence and power of military leaders (obasanjo; yar"adua was. Competition in 2003 election looked like a competition against former military leaders: electoral fraud and corruption is not tightly controlled from the centre; it is decentralized down to state-level politics, which operates almost spontaneously. Fraud and corruption is a norm amongst nigerian politics. Unfulfilled promise there is great optimism that the military till forfeit their rule, but the problems with violence, fraud, religious tension, etc. still exists. Nigeria is best characterized as being a semi-democracy.