PO101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Security, Socratic Method, Nationstates

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There are limited resources yet many demands from different from different groups in society. Someone/group has to decide how to allocate resources; resolve conflict. Government = conflict manager (specialized activity that makes and enforce collective decisions binding on community: resolving differences in among groups. Democratic government freedom and equality: agreement of all citizens. Power ability to achieve goals in a political system: politics always involves the use of power. Power is different: history, economic context, political culture, values, ideology, constitutions and institutions. Originates in conflict over scarce resources or differing values. Is struggle among different groups in society who want different thing. Canadas oil sands: located primarily in alberta, represent one-thi(cid:396)d of the (cid:449)o(cid:396)ld"s k(cid:374)o(cid:449)(cid:374) petroleum resources. Canada exports 2. 2 million barrels of oil per day to usa. Economic contribution of oil sands to canada economy. Currently provides jobs for approximately 514, 000 people across canada. This is expected to grow to over 800, 000 jobs by 2028.