PO101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Neoconservatism, Socioeconomics, Ope

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Comparative approach- method of political analysis that compares different systems of political authority based on system type, time period, or form of leadership. State- recognized political unit, considered to be sovereign, with a defined territory and people and a central government responsible for administration. Sovereignty- recognition by other political authorities that a government is legitimate and rightful for a political community. Liberal democracy- political system based on freedom and the principle that governance requires the assent of all citizens through participation in the electoral process, articulation of views, and direct/indirect representation. Authoritarianism- political system requiring absolute obedience to a constituted authority. Constitution- basic law of a country upon which all other laws are based. Ideology- set or systems of ideas that form the basis of a political/economic system and provide guidance and direction for political leadership. Globalization- intensification of economic, political, social, cultural relations across borders. Welfare state- a multi-billion-dollar system of government programs that transfer money and services to.